The Central Secretariat SC/ST Employees' Welfare Association is registered under Societies Registration Act- XXI of 1860 working towards protecting the justified claims of Service Matters of SC/ST Employees. The Association members include the Employees of SC/ST communities working in various services/grades in Central Secretariat of the Government of India. The Association was founded in 1998 with following aims and objectives:-
(a) To promote Cooperation and Brotherhood amongst the SC/ST employees of the Central Secretariat.
(b) To take up the matters with concerned authorities for the solution of the genuine difficulties of the SC/ST Employees.
(c) To take up all other matters related to the welfare of SC and ST Employees.
For any inquiries or assistance, please contact us at:
Rohtas Bhankar, Founder President
Email: cs.scst.ewa@gmail.com
Phone: +91-7784961961